Friday, 28 February 2014

ITIL metrics (KPI's for Change Management) :

Following are ITIL V3 key performance indicators for change management:
  • Number of changes implemented to services that met customer requirements (for e.g. quality/cost/time  as a percentage of all changes)
  • Reduction in the number of disruptions to services, defects, and rework caused by inaccurate specification, and poor or incomplete impact assessment
  • Reduction in the number of unauthorized changes
  • Reduction in the backlog of change requests
  • Reduction in the number and percentage of unplanned changes and emergency fixes
  • Change success rate (percentage of changes successful; i.e. number of RFCs approved)
  • Reduction in the number of changes in which remediation is required
  • Reduction in the number of failed changes
  • Average time to implement based on urgency/priority/change type
  • Incidents attributable to changes
  • Benefits of change expressed as the value of improvements made or value of negative impacts prevented or terminated as compared with the costs of the change process

Friday, 21 February 2014

ITIL metrics (KPI's for Incident Management)

Following are ITIL V3 key performance indicators for incident management:
  • Total number of incidents ( Measurement for control)
  • Breakdown of incidents at each stage (for example, logged, work in progress, and closed)
  • Current incident backlog
  • Number and percentage of major incidents
  • Average time to achieve incident resolution
  • Percentage of incidents handled within target response time; incident response-time targets may be specified in SLA's, for example, by impact and urgency codes
  • Average cost per incident ( To be measured against the cost investment such as tool, infra, people etc. against the invoices generated for the group for a given period of time. 
  • Number of incidents reopened and as a percentage of the total
  • Number and percentage of incidents escalated/ routed (wrong assignment) 
  • Number and percentage of incidents incorrectly categorized
  • Breakdown of incidents by time of day (for effective workforce planning and scheduling)