Friday, 16 May 2014

Defining Priorities

 ITIL says that Priority should be a product of the Impact/Urgency matrix. ISO/IEC20000 agrees with that in 8.1 Incident and service request management.

It is customary that Priority of issues has four to five levels. It is most commonly marked with the numbers 1-4 or 1-5, where "1" is the highest and "4/5" is the lowest priority. 


Below is how the ITIL priority matrix looks like:

·         Impact - Is defined by the criticality of downtime is for the business. Usually measured by the number of users affected. For e.g.: If one or more application/ services are down.
·         Urgency - it is usually defined in SLA for the specific IT service. If more than one service is impacted, parameters for the higher urgency service will be taken into account.

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